Preparing your brand to engage one of the many public relations companies in Sydney may sound like a daunting prospect, especially if it’s your first-time engaging services like this. While PR is certainly useful and important to your business, you need to understand and implement some foundational steps to ensure that your firm is going to get the best benefit.

You also need to establish a clear understanding internally about what your goal is for engaging the PR firm and what your budget is, so you can avoid a costly blunder. While a PR expert can do a lot to help your brand, you’ll get better results more quickly if you take heed of the following tips.

The following will take a look at what you need to do before signing up with one of the several public relations companies in Sydney.


Make sure you understand what PR work actually entails

Obviously, you need to understand what PR actually is before you go spending money on it at one of the public relations companies in Sydney. Many people don’t understand PR until they see it working in front of them and normally dismiss it as a branch of advertising.

While PR shares many principles with marketing, it is specifically about creating a positive public perception with your brand. This is done via strategies executed through communication platforms like TV, radio and social media.

social media marketing


Identify and optimize your brand’s assets

Your brand’s assets will be crucially important when you start working with one of the public relations companies in Sydney. These are the images, graphics, logos and other bits of media that are essential to ensuring your product or service is marketable.

While functionality and style are important, the biggest factor is whether or not your brand looks good in the media PR will expose it with.


What’s your brand’s story?

Having a carefully tailored yet sincere brand story is essential to winning the hearts and minds of consumers. You need to figure out what it is that makes your brand unique as well as how best to communicate that to your audience.

Think; why would someone editing a magazine include my brand over my competitors? If you have strong, justified answers then you are one step closer to being ready to engage one of the public relations companies in Sydney.


Be prepared to be patient

PR, like other outreach strategies, is notorious for the long lead times it has. Sometimes it can be months before you start to see the strategies you paid for begin to generate results.

This is because large magazine editorials and other significant media contributions like TV spots are organised months in advance. You need to keep this in mind otherwise you’ll find yourself getting frustrated by a lack of quick results.


Understand how PR results are measured

Because the work of public relations companies in Sydney isn’t directly related to driving sales, it can be difficult to identify a clear ROI. It’s impossible to know what percentage of PR work contributed to a customer’s buying decision and therefore drawing a clear line between the money you spend, and your returns is tricky.

Hopefully you can use this information to prepare you for working with one of the public relations companies in Sydney.